While working with Voycer AG, I took an active part in the new community product development process, working together with Product Manager, Content Manager and Development Team. We were designing a new community for the German client in the electronic branch Conrad. For that purpose, we have created Personas, which helped us define, who and how will use our community as well as what are their needs and expectations.
1. Brief: Goal and overview
Creating a community SaaS Product for Conrad has been a game changer for Voycer – a start up specialising in user engagement through building onsite communities for brands. The main objectives: developing makers community, the makers should be encouraged to help and inform each other and engage in projects, also the community should bring their attention to Conrad products.
2. Analysis: User needs, opportunities
During this project I worked closely with Product Manager, Marketing Manager as well as a broader team of community professional during the ideation phase. Based on data collected by Conrad together with Product Manager we’ve analysed core user needs and created MVP. We’ve used Kano Analysis to create our MVP.
3. Personas
Together with Voycer’s content specialists we’ve conducted workshops and defined 6 Personas of users with very different needs in the community:
– Computerfreak – hobbyist, deep knowledge in computer hardware, hacker, obsessed and motivated, happily shares his expertise, concerned about security,
– Computer Technician – professional IT employee, searches for solutions for his daily work, passive,
– Freelancer Technician – works as craftsman, specialist in home appliances, uses the community for professional reasons and also to promote his services,
– Maker – young, visionary, likes to explore, uses social media a lot, likes to help and share his knowledge, looks for similar people,
– Tinker – retired, hobbyist, likes to experiment in his home workshop, in the community he will look for tips and solutions, he will enjoy to give hints to others,
– Team Assistant – employee, looking for fast answers for problems defined in the team, prepares market analysis, compares prizes, enjoys fast information in an easy form.
4. Vision Boards: user in action, what the user really needs?
Taking core features from MVP we’ve created vision boards, which let us better understand, which Persona will need which feature. Then I’ve summarised the information and counted, which features are essential for the first release.
5. Concept
As a result we’ve created a solution for different areas of the website, parallelly supporting needs of different users. The areas are:
– How To,
– Tutorial,
– Q&A,
– Theme World,
– Contests.
Together with the UI designer we have delivered high-fidelity mockups based, which you see below.