European Culture Congress – website product management

The Congress has been an important part of the National Cultural Programme for the Polish EU Presidency in 2011. At the time I started my work at National Audiovisual Institute which was responsible for coordination of the Cultural Programme.
European Culture Congress – website product management became my most important task during my first year of work and I enjoyed it very much. I was responsible for overall website production process including close work with design studio, content editors, photo editors, web developers, managing multimedia content. At the very event in September 2011 I supervised all content creation and managed live online broadcasts at the website.

European Culture Congress was in fact four days of non-stop culture. Exhibitions, concerts, films, theatre performances and discussion panels. Over 300 artists and renowned intellectuals from all over the world gather in one polish city – Wroclaw.

All discussions and exhibitions were divided into Themes – here each Theme is represented by an original graphic symbol.
Programme page of the Congress
Programme page of the Congress
Landing page of the thrilling Novel happening in Wroclaw, written for the Congress.
Landing page of the thrilling Novel happening in Wroclaw, written for the Congress.


  • team lead: content creators, designers, developers
  • coordination and time management
  • agreements preparation and supervision
  • budget supervision
  • coordination of live online broadcasts during the Congress
  • coordination of content supplied daily
  • final budgeting and reporting to vice director
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